Ulrich Martin Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at law) in France and Germany, EPP Rechtsanwälte Avocats

Ulrich Martin DEA / DESE

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at law)

Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies en droit communautaire
Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Européennes

Languages: German (native language),
French, English

+33 (0) 3 88 45 65 45 (Strasbourg)

+49 (0) 7221 30 23 70 (Baden-Baden)

Ulrich Martin Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at law) in France and Germany, EPP Rechtsanwälte Avocats

Expertise in
French Law

Icon Gesellschaftsrecht
Icon M&A Unternehmenskauf Joint-Venture

Expertise in
German Law

Icon Gesellschaftsrecht
Icon Arbeitsrecht
Icon Steuerrecht Buchfuehrung Lohnabrechnung
Icon Vertrieb Wettbewerb Intellectual Property
Icon M&A Unternehmenskauf Joint-Venture
Icon Unternehmensinsolvenz
Icon Immobilien Bau Miete
Icon In-house Schulungen Seminare


  • One-year stay in Michigan (USA) with the Parliamentary Sponsorship Programme of the German Bundestag and US Congress (Congress-Bundestag youth exchange)
  • Studied German, French and European law in Freiburg im Breisgau, Tours, Heidelberg and Nancy
  • 1998 Admitted to the German Bar at the District Court of Freiburg im Breisgau
  • Legal and commercial positions for various legal specialist media companies in Paris, Berlin, Freiburg and Munich (Memento Verlag Haufe/Francis Lefebvre, CH Beck, Haufe Gruppe, Wolters Kluwer)
  • 2013 Joined the law firm Epp


  • Consulting and expert guidance for companies in German labour law
  • Consulting and expert guidance for companies in German and French corporate law
  • Support in company acquisitions (M&A) in Germany and France
  • Takeover of insolvent companies, share deals or asset deals
  • Drafting due diligence reports, company takeover agreements and joint ventures, shareholder agreements
  • Capital increases, capital reductions and other amendments to articles of association
  • Appointment and dismissal of management bodies
  • Advising companies on establishing and winding up subsidiaries or branches of companies and branch offices in Germany
  • Consulting and expert guidance for companies in German distribution law (in particular law governing commercial agents and authorised dealers) as well as in German commercial lease law
  • Consulting and representation in German commercial law, contract review and drafting of contracts

Speaking Engagements

  • Speaking engagements on topics of German labour law and corporate law for Chambers of Industry and Commerce in France, for private seminar organisers and for in-house seminars at companies in France


  • Chief editor and co-author of the handbook “Memento Gesellschaftsrecht”, first published in 2000 as “Memento Gesellschaften” by Memento Verlag AG Haufe/Francis Lefebvre
  • “Das neue Weinrecht” in Steuer- und Wirtschaftskurzpost 1994

German Law

Icon Nouvelle
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Icon Nouvelle

Interview & Press