Jörg Luft Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at law) in France and Germany, EPP Rechtsanwälte Avocats

Jörg Luft

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at law)

European ERASMUS academic programme

Languages: German (native language),
French, English

Jörg Luft Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at law) in France and Germany, EPP Rechtsanwälte Avocats

Expertise in
French Law

Icon Vertrieb Wettbewerb Intellectual Property
Icon Prozesse Sachverständigen Schiedsverfahren
Icon Immobilien Bau Miete
Icon Inkasso
Icon In-house Schulungen Seminare

Expertise in
German Law

Icon Arbeitsrecht
Icon Vertrieb Wettbewerb Intellectual Property
Icon Unternehmensinsolvenz
Icon Prozesse Inkasso Sachverständigen Schiedsverfahren
Icon Finanzierung Bankwesen Sicherheiten
Icon Immobilien Bau Miete
Icon In-house Schulungen Seminare


  • Studied German and French law in Passau and Tours
  • Legal foreign language training in French and English
  • Admitted to the German Bar at the District Court of Freiburg im Breisgau (2000) and the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe (2005)
  • 2000 Joined the law firm Epp


  • Consulting and representation on all issues of German-French distribution law (authorised dealer agreements, commercial agency law)
  • Expert guidance for French companies in German labour law
  • International supply contracts and UN commercial law
  • Negotiation and drafting of supply contracts between Germany and France
  • General terms and conditions for business in France
  • German and French commercial leases
  • Contract review and contract drafting in cross-border situations
  • Litigation and out-of-court negotiations in cross-border situations
  • Recovery of outstanding debts and enforcement of judgements in France and Germany
  • Consulting and representation of German and French companies concerning all issues of commercial law in France

Speaking Engagements

  • Extensive speaking engagements on topics relating to French distribution for various Chambers of Industry and Commerce and Trade Chambers in Germany, France and Luxembourg, for private seminar organisers such as the FORUM-Institut für Management, the Management Circle, and for in-house seminars in companies in France and Germany


  • Mr Luft is co-editor of the information leaflets on French law published by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich - WKO).
  • Mr Luft is co-editor of the information leaflets on French law published by the CDH, the German Association of Commercial Agencies
  • Mr Luft spent many years as the editor of the French section of the work “Internationale Zwangsvollstreckung” by Deubner Verlag Recht und Praxis

Other activities

Publications: French Law

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Publications: German Law

Icon Nouvelle
Icon Nouvelle
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Icon Nouvelle

Interview & Press